Pavla Nimkova's Lawyer Is Blunt With Her

My choice was clear: accept a plea bargain, or spend the next 5 years dancing on the MetroArea Correctional Facility's Cafeteria Tables for Robin Lancaster. As well as perform other duties for her which I will not mention.
I chose the plea bargain. I will be released tomorrow. I will be under house arrest and wear a special anklet that will alert the police if I stray too far from my home. I take comfort in the fact that Martha Stewart has also been subjected to such an indignity. But did it crush her? No! It made her stronger.
And it will make me stronger as well.
I have a message for Miss Bulgaria. I have learned many things in prison. I have learned that I must control my anger, I have learned that I must pay back my debt to society, and I have learned how to hide a pack of cigarettes upon my person in such a way that not even the most invasive strip search will find them.
But most importantly, I have learned a new dance.
The Dance of Gypsy Vengeance.
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