Debbie Lynn Skokie Weighs In...

My, my, my. You know, I just sometimes have to wonder why the Good Lord tests us in His Mysterious Ways....I mean, here is this poor girl who raised herself up with hard work and dedication and used the talents that the Lord had given her to become the best Potato Peeler that she could possibly be and what happens? They slander her. They slander her.
Well, I tell you right here and now, I will be in Bulgaria next month and I will not tolerate such un-American Values.
Until I get to Varna, though, I would like to do my part to help ease the suffering. The Lord has given each and every one of us a special talent. This poor girl peels potatoes, and I write Christian Haiku. This is for all of the young Bulgarian Girls with a dream....
Oh! Brown Potato
I will peel your skin so fast
And win for the Lord
Boil them. Mash them.
Stick them in a stew.
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