It is so excited that Mrs. Debbie Lynn is to be going to Bulgaria! Maybe she will see State Orphan Building #265! It is in Varna! Well, not exactly Varna, more like Priseltsi. Although really it more being like a suburb of Priseltsi. It is being called Goren Chiflik. But all of we orphans went frequently into Priseltsi on Market Day. Oh, my! We would get so excited and get up early and put on our best dress. Then we would catch the Express Mule Cart at 6am in front of State Orphan Building #265. When we had enough savings money we bought an apple, or sometimes a comb! Good times.
She's not really potato peeling champion of Orphan Building #265. She cheated. She sexed her way to fame and fortune. I mean... who is going to turn down a 50Lev note for a (litteral) roll in the hay.
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