Freedom Has Its Price

May Pavla Nimkova rot in her cell! I regret intensely the day I agreed to teach her the Dance of the Gypsy Curse.
But now I have a bigger problem. Only one person could have given the MetroArea police that damning information. Only one person! And that person is that evil cow Ramona Ceauceascu, so-called Queen of the Gypsies. It is I, I who should be Queen. I am prettier, I have been Miss Romania Beauty Queen, which is much harder than Gypsy Queen, I am telling you, and I am much more accomplished on the tambourine. Ramona Ceauceascu uses the now outdated Varnatic method when she plays, while I employ the Parisian Flair Method. I think it is obvious which is superior.
But, she has sent me the Gypsy Summons. I must go to Cluj-Napoca. It is honor. It is family. It is pride.
It is $983 round trip.
Perhaps Miss Slovakia would like to buy the Kia.
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