It's Not Easy Being Queen

You know, sometimes the Sight can be a curse, as well as a blessing. I see all, and I know all, but sometimes what I see is not what I know, and sometimes what I know is not what I see.
Sigh. It is not easy being the Gypsy Queen.
I had eagerly anticipated the arrest of Ana-Elena Devescu, the self-annointed heiress to my Tambourine. It has pained me greatly to be forced to watch the ridiculous posturing of one who is not even fit to follow 8 paces behind me, carrying my Tambourine in a haversack, much less to shake It.
The Sight showed me the former Miss Romania enjoying time with her "new best friend", Robin Lancaster, in the MetroArea Correctional Facility. Now I am wondering what I saw, exactly.
The Sight can be a fickle Mistress.
I see all, I know all.
I am the Gypsy Queen
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