I Also Wish A Most Happy Day of Thanksgiving!

I am looking very forward until tomorrow. It is very quiet here in flat. I have been home for a day from hospital. Hospital is so noisy! Always people coming and going. Always phones ringing. Always flowers arriving.
Here is quiet. So very quiet. No people, no phones, no flowers. And sadly, no pills. They say I am not needing pills. Perhaps they mistake. I feel I am needing pills.
But I am very excited about most Happy Holiday! I have duly prepared by buying two Banquet Turkey Pot Pies. It is very conveneient for me, as vegetables are included inside of pie, and so one less side dish is being necessary. Normally I would only eat one pot pie, but is holiday, so I am saying to myself, "Go crazy!", and I am buying two.
I also have single serving Stove Top Stuffing Pouch. For second side dish. It can be made in oven or in microwave. I am not having microwave, so I will use "conventional" cooking directions. A shame. A microwave would be nice. Although pot pie directions say microwave not suggested, as crust may not be crispy. So perhaps it is all for the best.
I think I am needing pills.
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