I Am So Being Honored!

Today is very happy day! I am sitting in flat, waiting for Ismail. He is being gone several days, out on errand. It is not so hard waiting, for before leaving he is filling refrigerator with Zima for me. And he is leaving me my favorite pills. Enough for one month! Well, to be truthful only two weeks. The bottle is saying one month, but I am receiving bottle two weeks ago and only 3 little pills are being left. So label is being lie. This is being typical. It is all being lies. Everything is being lies! Everyone is being liar pants! Liars, liars, pants are being on fires!
Oh! I must be calming myself. I am taking deep breath. In-breathing, out-breathing, in-breathing, out-breathing.
Before I am forgetting, I must tell why it is being happy day.
I am receiving invitation to Gallery Opening! With nice note, written most elegantly, saying I am "distinguished Citizen of MetroArea".
I am not knowing of Gallery at 1515 W. Liberty, but of course I am going! I am being distinguished!
This is reminding me of my Uncle Todor. He is spending many years working in Left-Hand Mitten Factory #12, in Varna. One day he is drinking BulgLight with worker from Right-Hand Mitten Factory #16, when he is having idea! He is thinking maybe that it is being easier to combine Left-Hand Mitten Factory #12 with Right-Hand Mitten Factory #16, and to be forming Both-Hand Mitten Factory #28. He is being so excited with idea, he is talking to People's BulgoMitt Commitee.
Sadly, I am not knowing what is happening to Uncle Todor. After presenting idea, he is being transferred. But I am sure his Big Idea is making him rich and famous!
So, taking cue from Uncle Todor, I am happily attending Gallery Opening!
What is a girl to be losing?
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