Miss Bulgaria Sends Her Warmest Regards

I am sad to report that Miss Bulgaria is indisposed. She has an illness. She is suffering from....ummmm.....ummmm.... Gastrointestinal Discomfort! Yes, that is it! Gastrointestinal Discomfort. Poor Miss Bulgaria!
She has asked me to convey her warmest regards. She would also like me to tell you about my new School of Gypsy Dance that I am opening here in the MetroArea. At the School of Gypsy Dance, MetroArea residents will be able to learn many dances typical of the Cluj-Napoca Gypsy Tribes, of which I am a Princess, and someday, a Queen, as soon as that hag Ramona Ceauceascu dies and oh, let that day come soon! The joy in Cluj-Napoca on the day of her death will make Mardi Gras look like a funeral. I am not kidding you.
But in any case, until the happy day of Ramona Ceauceascu's death, I will continue to reside in the MetroArea and will teach my Gypsy Dances.
Our first classes will be offering the Dance of the Gypsy Curse and the Dance of the Gypsy Pickpocket. Groups of 10 or more may wish to consider the Dance of the Gypsy Bordello.
Also, every Tuesday from 6-8pm we are offering GypsyRobics. A great way to slim down, ladies!
Oh, and it just happened to cross my mind that I should mention that I absolutely do not know Pavla Nimkova, nor do I have any way of knowing about her restraining order.
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