I am just now seeing small movie about myself. Is honor for me, although it is being painful to watch , because of face in tacos. I cannot now enjoy Mr. Velazquez's fine cuisine as much as previously. But kind Mr. Velazquez has given me new speciality to eat. He is making me chimichanga. In center is tasty meat filling, but outside is crispy. It is like Mexican egg roll! I have been eating many egg rolls from #1 Asian Buffet, at 4th and Main, just one block from Ernesto's. Is a bit farther from my flat than Ernesto's, but worth walking if you are more in mood for China food. I have been much in mood for China food. Not much in mood for tacos. Nor for guacamole. But now all is better. I am having new dish from Mr. Velazquez. And who is to say three rolled tacos is better than chimichanga? Who can make such statement? I must go now. Ismail is calling from couch.