Friday, November 04, 2005

Possible Topics

While Dr. Carson Gregory does not welcome your opinion, he does welcome topics you might suggest for HIS opinion, or that of his gracious and accomodating guest commentators. Realizing that his Devoted Fans may have trouble coming up with Suitable Topics, Dr. Carson Gregory has provided a list of possible ideas for discussion. His Devoted Fans may then simply let him know on which topic(s) they would like his opinion:

1. Why do I have to pay for my own drinks?
2. This rent thing...what's THAT all about?
3. Tauna Reneau ruined Council Travel and My Life
4. They expect me to BUY a ticket?
5. My boss doesn't like it when I steal.
6. I Hate My Job.
7. Jell-O is a shot, not a salad.
8. I'm sorry, but 8am is when I get home.
9. Blah blah taxes..blah blah insurance...blah blah legal...
10. Hello! Here is Olga!


Blogger David House said...

Are you a communist? Imagine my surprise when I wandered into the rumpus room to see little. Billy Steve reading this leftist liberal trash. Rent is a national institutions to seperate tree hugging slackers from real hard working americans. The same with paying for drinks and the rest of your pinko topics. You ought to be ashamed of your self. Our young men are over in Iraq fighting for our freedom and you sit there and encourage our youth to be slackers. I'll bet your one of them homosexuals too. Well listen here Nancy boy, I'll not stand for this. I'm writing to the FCC, the FDA, the FBI, and the league of women voters to have you shut down.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Ivan Grozny said...

What if Tauna paid for your drinks...

think about it....

7:51 AM  

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